
Detangle Your Business Program

The Road to a Living a Profitable Life and
Working No More Fridays Begins Here…

Detangle Your Business
10 Things book cover

20 Minutes to less Overwhelm and More Control

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Together let’s find out what needs Detangling so you can stop working Fridays & get closer to living a Profitable Life.

The Detangle Program

You’re frustrated – your business is doing well – but not as well as you know it can. It’s not fulfilling its potential.
You’re spending too much time putting out fires and dealing with things that drain your energy, diminish your focus and never seem to end.

You know you’re working in, instead of on your business… You can feel that you’re right on the verge of making big things happen for you and your business… but you can’t find what’s missing and holding you back…
But in just 8 weeks, you’ll discover the key elements you need to address in your business to move it closer to its potential.

Get Clarity on what needs doing in your Business.

End up with an actionable plan to level up your business.

The DYB Program helps you identify where your business is today. What’s working. What’s not.

What you want from it in terms of income and lifestyle. Which areas need the most work and which are doing fine.

A plan to follow to make a real and positive difference in your business and your life.
At the end of the programme you’ll have your Business Detangled. Ready for Growth. With a Plan and in just 8 weeks.

There are 3 options available:

Here’s what we’re going to work on:

In each programme we will use the 8 Modules to establish the clarity you need to create an effective plan to move your business forward.

• Module 1 / Week 1

The Rear View Mirror and The Road Ahead

• Module 2 / Week 2

The Business Reality Check

• Module 3 / Week 3

The Growth Score and The Disruption Index

• Module 4 / Week 4

The Business Wheel Part 1

• Module 5 / Week 5

The Business Wheel Part 2

• Module 6 / Week 6

The Kipling Lense

• Module 7 / Week 7

The Plan for the next 90s Days… and Beyond

• Module 8 / Week 8

Your 1 Page Plan & Wrap Up.

NB: The weekly assignments do not require hours to complete in general – but the more you put in the more you will get out.

Option 1 - The Detangle Your Business Programme

How it Works:

  • Each week we kick off with a focussed 60-minute  group webinar to answer any questions and to set the scene for the current week’s assignment.
  • You do that week’s assignment and upload it into your private folder. Geoff Hetherington will review the completed work and address any issues on the next Webinar. Webinars will be recorded and made available on a shared drive.

What you get:

  • Worksheets and explainer videos for each module.
  • Weekly focussed small group Webinar to answer any questions the group has and to set the scene for the current week.
  • Your own private folder on Google Drive to store your completed worksheets in.
  • Private Face Book group to share ideas, trials, tribulations, support, and wins. (Geoff Hetherington will be on there at set times to answer any questions.)
  • Access to the recordings of the Weekly Webinars.
  • Fair Use email access to Geoff Hetherington
  • 6 months access to the course member’s area, the recordings, and your private folder


  • Weekly Webinars Via ZOOM
  • Private Folder on Goggle Drive
  • Shared Google Drive access for recordings
  • Private Facebook Group
  • 60 Day 100% Money back Guarantee.


  • Your time, energy, and focus.
  • $997 + GST

Option 2 - The DYB Plus Programme

How it Works:

  • Each week we’ll kick off with a private 60-minute 1:1 ZOOM call to answer your questions and to set the scene for the current week’s assignment.
  • Geoff Hetherington will review your completed work and address any issues on the next private ZOOM call.
  • This option is great for folks who feel they need more focus , support and access.
  • The ZOOM calls will be recorded and made available in your private folder on the shared drive.

What you get:

  • Worksheets and explainer videos for each module.
  • Weekly focussed 1:1ZOOM call to answer any questions you have and to set the scene for the current week.
  • Your own private folder on Google Drive to store your completed worksheets in.
  • Private Face Book group to share ideas, trials, tribulations, support, and wins. (Geoff Hetherington will be on there at set times to answer any questions.)
  • Access to the recordings of your ZOOM Calls.
  • Fair Use email access to Geoff Hetherington 
  • 6 months access to the course member’s area, the recordings, and your private folder
  • 60 Day 100% Money back Guarantee.


  • Weekly 1:1 Calls Via ZOOM
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Private Folder on Goggle Drive
  • Shared Google Drive access for recordings


  • Your time, energy, and focus.
  • $1497 + GST

Option 3 – The F2F Programme

How it Works:

In this version of the program we will cover the 8 modules across 2 days face to face. 

In general I will come to your office and as long as you have a meeting room, and a decent sized whiteboard we’ll work through the entire DYB program side by side.

You are free to record the day if you wish.

What you get:

  • 2 full days with Geoff Hetherington in Sydney, Newcastle, or Wollongong or surrounds. (Located somewhere else? Let’s chat about how to make it happen.)
  • All Worksheets. 
  • 2 x personal follow up ZOOM calls 1:1 to answer any questions, gather insights and work on making the future clearer.
  • Bring another Team member or decision maker if desired
  • Record the 2 Days if wanted.
  • 3 Months Fair Use email access to Geoff Hetherington 
  • 60 Day 100% Money back Guarantee.


  • F2F
  • Follow up Calls Via ZOOM
  • Shared Google Drive for Down and Uploads.


  • Your time, energy, and focus.
  • $3997 + GST
2 Days F2F working side by side Detangling your business with the 8 modules
Customised to your Business
Bring 1 other person if desired
Fair use email access to Geoff Hetherington
In Person
Record the days if you want
2 x Follow up Strategy calls with Geoff Hetherington
60-Day Money Back Guarantee
$3997+ GST
Or 3 Pay X $1400 + GST
($4200 + GST)

When slots available & must be Booked and paid in

full prior to the 2 days.

Entire 8 Module Program over 8 weeks
Access to Training Website
Private Google Drive Folder
Private Facebook Group Access
Weekly  1:1 Q&A Webinar
Webinar recordings
6 Months access to member’s area & Private Google Folder
60-Day Money Back Guarantee
$1497 + GST
Or 3 Pay X $550 + GST
($1650 + GST)
Start anytime, available 10 months of the year

Access to the entire 8 Module Program over 8 weeks
Access to Training Website
Private Google Drive Folder
Private Facebook Group Access
Weekly  Group Q&A Webinar
Webinar recordings
6 Months access to member’s area & Private Google Folder
60-Day Money Back Guarantee
$997 + GST
Or 3 Pay X $400 + GST
($1200 + GST)
Quarterly Programme Intakes (4 per annum)

Have questions? Get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

Ready to get detangled? Pick your option and let’s get going!


Here’s what other coaches are saying about Geoff Hetheringtons business training programs.

Yes, I want to have a chat with Geoff Hetherington about joining the Detangle Your Business Program and becoming a part of the Elite Business Institute Community